Stay tuned…

We’ve got upcoming ThoughtCast interviews with:

Louise Richardson on “What Terrorists Want” !!

Eric Lander of the Whitehead Institute (which he founded) and also of the Broad Institute at MIT, where he serves as founding director. His subject? The Human Genome….

Harvey Mansfield: on “Manliness”! The Harvard guru of libertarian/conservative thought tackles a subject of some delicacy. To what degree is manliness in disrepute today, in the post-feminist West, and … do we like the results? If we seek to feminize men or look down on their more traditional characteristics — aggression, competition, the accumulation of wealth, women, shiny red cars — are we doing ourselves a disservice? After all, Mansfield asks, if there are no warriors, who is going to defend us?

Posted on June 14, 2005 in Prior ThoughtCasts
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Credit Roll

Credit Roll:

Likoma, web design

Antonio Oliart, editor extraordinaire

Sonata No. 1 in G Minor by J.S. Bach, performed by Nicholas Goluses.
Courtesy Naxos of America

I would also like to thank:

Bob Doyle: entrepreneur/
philanthropist/ Renaissance Man.

Robert Lipsyte:
for telling me to get on with it.

Christopher Lydon:
for setting the pace and … finally having coffee with me. (!)

Charlie Nesson:
for being the first to give me the thumbs up.

Shelley Powers:
for her flair for design and her superior
programming skills, as evidenced on this website.
(Any complaints forward to her, please…)

Lisa Williams:
for introducing me to the world of blogs and pods
– up close and in person.

Posted on June 14, 2005 in Credit Roll
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Design by Likoma