
Tag Archives | noah feldman

Boston Book Festival – year two!

The second annual Boston Book Festival will be held on Saturday October 16th, and note bene, it’s free and open to the public!  ThoughtCast’s Jenny Attiyeh will be hosting a discussion titled True Story: The Art of Nonfiction.  As soon as it’s available, we’ll post the recording, but in the meantime, here’s the blurb:
“Writing a work of non-fiction that’s a page-turner has its challenges. The authors of three diverse works tell all: Noah Feldman’s latest, Scorpions, digs into the amazing stories of four of FDR’s most influential Supreme Court justices. Richard Cohen’s Chasing the Sun is a compendium of entertaining and scholarly lore about our solar system’s brightest star. Kathryn Schulz succeeds in being both witty and erudite while answering the question “why do we love being right?” in Being Wrong.”

Posted on October 10, 2010 in Literature
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