Poet Robert Pinsky takes on King David

Note: The WGBH sister stations WCAI and WNAN broadcast this interview, and it also received a 5 star review on PRX!

Former poet laureate Robert Pinsky tackles King David of the Bible – the shepherd, poet, warrior and adulterer – in his “Life of David.”
Is David a legend? A real, flesh and blood warrior who killed Goliath, and united the 12 Jewish tribes into one nation? Robert Pinsky delves into these questions, and into David’s story, with relish.

David’s story has been told many times, and the tale has changed with each telling. There’s the David of the Hebrew Bible, and another version of his life in the Talmud. We know he slept with Bathsheba, but was this a sin? An act of love? Of violence? It depends on whom you ask.

David, who lived about 3000 years ago, was beloved of God, and as a result, he got away with more than his share. He was a seductive, wily politician, a doting father, a bitter old man. These contradictions in David’s character spur Pinsky on, and he adds his own twist to the tale, as you will hear, on ThoughtCast!
Click here: to listen (28:30 mins).

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2 Responses to Poet Robert Pinsky takes on King David

  1. Nanlove March 31, 2012 at 11:17 pm #

    can anyone give me a poem or a poem website about love poems, where a couple is fighting but they work it out? or just any love poem. I rly need to be inspired

  2. Robert Watt October 19, 2009 at 11:37 am #

    Dear Ms.Attiyeh,

    Thanks so much for making this interview available. I happened upon it while researching a class I will leading on the first book of Samuel, as part of an Education for Ministry course I am taking. Your discussion with Robert Pinsky was just the exploration of that particular stream of inquiry that I was searching for. His insights, within the context of an informed dialogue, have me eager to engage my fellow seminar participants in a similar fashion.
    Thanks again, and I will definitely be returning to Thoughtcast frequently in the future.

    Robert Watt

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